Tips for building a passive house

Thanks to solar energy, air heating and thermal insulation, it maintains a mild ambient temperature all year round. A house should face south when possible, in order to collect as much solar energy as possible and is composed of a structure. More informations : . The concept of a passive house was created in the 1970s after several tests and is based on German construction criteria: a passive house is more expensive to build than a so-called "conventional" house. Its residents will save money in the long term through a significant reduction in their electricity expenses, although its price may be 20% higher.

Learn more about the positive energy house

Building a positive energy house is an important undertaking for the project developer. It is always in good taste to follow a project of this scope in order to carry it out successfully in accordance with the rules of this art. Exotic structures require special expertise, plus a professional qualification that allows you to have, while reducing energy consumption, projects that meet the criteria. To find a property, contact a professionnal. There are passive house builders, but the most important thing is to get the one with the right skills for this type of building.

The advantages of the positive energy house

Comfort and well-being are the key criteria taken into account by the positive energy house. The method involves types of buildings and buildings and is international. A positive house produces more energy than it consumes and the "positive energy building" or BEPOS is a radical concept that should define new construction criteria in the very near future. The theory of a favourable energy house is intuitive and particularly simple: it is about generating more energy than it consumes for its inhabitants and the house. This energy balance is calculated over one year and takes into account all consumption, including heating, ventilation, various electrical appliances and light. In order to minimize its environmental footprint, the energy house first of all takes advantage of a design optimized by bioclima: Although a relative structure helps to avoid heat loss points, an intelligent room design and skylights ensure maximum sunlight during the day. Energy production is provided by a renewable energy source such as solar or wind energy, with the addition of heating, for example, by a heat pump.

Architecture developpement, dernière éditions.